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Poets H O M E

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Subject - Humor

Humor comes it a multitude of forms. You'll find that poetry has all kinds, from slapstick to subtle irony. Satire is another location to find some humorous works that have a more cutting edge. Parodies also have an index all their own.

Poetry is a mock of a cry at finding a million dollars and a mock of a laugh at losing it. - Carl Sandburg

  1. Egotist by Ambrose Bierce
  2. To A Louse by Robert Burns
    to see ourselves as others see us

  3. John Barleycorn: A Ballad by Robert Burns
  4. A Ballade of an Anti-Puritan by G. K. Chesterton
  5. The Last Decalogue by Arthur Hugh Clough
  6. And So Did I by Isaac Joslyn Cox
    amorous intent thwarted

  7. The Freshman's Soliloquy by Ozora Stearns Davis
  8. Confirmation by Paul Laurence Dunbar
  9. The Twelve Months by George Ellis
    a very brief calendar indeed

  10. Jest 'Fore Christmas by Eugene Field
    jest 'fore christmas this boy's as good as he can be

  11. The Old Church by William Byron Forbush
  12. The Yarn of the 'Nancy Bell' by W.S. Gilbert
    rather on the gross side

  13. Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog by Oliver Goldsmith
    dog bites man and dies

  14. At the Club by Richard Hovey
  15. The Glove and the Lions by James Leigh Hunt
  16. The Twins by Sambrooke Leigh
    sometimes it would be nice to pin our problems on a twin

  17. An Epitaph by Matthew Prior
    aspiring to nothing they accomplished the same

  18. A Reasonable Affliction by Matthew Prior
    he fears that he may die, she fears he may live

  19. The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert W. Service
    There are strange things done in the midnight sun
    By the men who toil for gold.

  20. The Long-Nosed Fair by Christopher Smart
  21. Where's the Poker? by Christopher Smart
  22. Evolution by Langdon Smith
    Let us drink anew to the time when you
    Were a tadpole and I was a fish.

  23. Pan In Wall Street by Edmund Clarence Stedman
  24. Casey at the Bat by Ernest L. Thayer
    the big game depends on Casey

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