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Subject - Sport

Sports is not a common theme in poetry, especially poems that are not from our modern age as we find here at Poets' Corner. But there are a few to be found here. My favorite is The Angler by Thomas Buchanan Reed.

  1. Baseball's Sad Lexicon by Franklin P. Adams

    a lament about a magnificent play... by the other team

  2. A Ballad of Baseball Burdens by Franklin P. Adams
  3. The Angler's Ballad by Charles Cotton
  4. 'MOST ANGLERS ARE VERY HUMANE'--Daily Paper by Norman Rowland Gale
  5. Cricket on the Hearth by Norman Rowland Gale
  6. Golf Steals Our Youth by Norman Rowland Gale
  7. To an Athlete Dying Young by A. E. Housman

    we cheer our heroes in life and in death

  8. The Angler by Thomas Buchanan Reed

    The angler in his basket lays
    The constellation, and goes his ways.

  9. Hunter's Song by Sir Walter Scott
  10. Hunting-Song by William Somerville
  11. The Hunt by Harrient Prescott Spofford
  12. Casey at the Bat by Ernest L. Thayer

    the big game depends on Casey

  13. When Tulips Bloom by Henry Van Dyke

    despite the title, a poem about fishing

  14. The Angler's Song by Izaak Walton

    in praise of fishing

  15. Missed by P. G. Wodehouse

    a rare poem about the sport of Cricket, and a reason to take up golf

    Life's void of all pleasure and laughter;
    I bungled the easiest catch.

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